In gesprek met Daycare Festival

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This Saturday, the Spoorzone is the site of Daycare Festival. The first edition of the festival took place in their backyard, now they are moving into downtown Tilburg for the first time. High time to chat with Jan, Wouter and Menno about friendship, goose bumps and learning from your mistakes.

"Guy and I started Daycare four years ago in the backyard of our dorm" says Wouter. "It was the first summer in corona time and we only saw people from our own circles. We wanted to meet and connect some unknown people, so we invited 22 people to come party with us in the garden. That was such a success that we did it again the following year; then everyone was allowed to bring someone extra. Each edition we continued to grow, until the backyard became too small." The joy of organizing, ensured that Daycare just kept growing. Wouter: "After a few times in the backyard, we asked Jan and Menno to join us and we moved to an external location for the first time."

"To see this event grow so much, and to be able to do that with friends, that's so great."

Student af

That move resulted in two successful Daycare editions at the Noorderplas. Now the festival is taking a big leap and growing to the Spoorzone. Menno: "The festival has now grown beyond our own circles. Where at first it still felt like a private party, reaching out to our friends and those few hundred people who followed us on Instagram, we are now doing campaigns on social media and offline campaigns in the city." Daycare has also made strides in its concept: "At previous editions, everything was included," Wouter explains. "If you bought a ticket, that included unlimited drinks for the whole day, for example. We don't do that anymore. Partly because the tickets become too expensive that way, but also because we think that it also gives off a student-ish atmosphere." Menno: "We are not a student party, our audience has an average age of 27." Jan: "Instead, we focus on the target group of young professionals."

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Intimate and accessible

Despite the growth in visitors and location, Daycare festival should still feel like walking into your best friends' backyard. "We try to keep the festival intimate, we think that's important. We also hear from visitors that that's what they love about Daycare." Explains Menno. Jan: "That also includes a specific choice of music. We now program mainly house and hardhouse. The music is freely accessible and recognizable, we think that's important." Menno: "We often ask ourselves the question, 'is this Daycare?' if the answer is no, then we don't do it. It is a certain atmosphere that we want to put down, that we ourselves have a good idea of. The four of us make all the decisions. If one person doesn't like it, then we don't do it." Jan: "In the future, as an organization, we also want to give everyone an expertise, instead of determining everything with the four of us. That's fun and you learn a lot in all areas, but it doesn't always work most efficiently this way." Wouter adds: "Maybe we can never really get rid of it completely either; we all enjoy interfering in everything far too much!"

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The four all have no background in the event world, but discovered a passion for organizing over the years. Wouter: "Daycare is really our baby. To see this event grow so much, and to be able to do that together with friends, that is so fantastic." Menno: "On such a day itself, when you then look over the shoulder of the DJ, I just get goosebumps. Then I don't need anything else, that's so beautiful to see." "We want to do it even bigger and better every time," says Jan. "To surprise people with new things we've come up with. That we can bring so many people together and give them a nice day, that also gives us enormous satisfaction."

A Tilburg community

To learn the intricacies of the festival business, the four sought contact with other organizers in the city. "It's super nice to notice that there are so many people who want to get around the table with us for tips or help," says Jan. "We were really able to learn a lot from that in organizing this edition." Wouter: "But also colleagues and friends of ours helped us a lot. With the construction of the grounds, or with the design. And people close to us also share in everything we do. A lot of people have a soft spot for the festival." So is that what makes Daycare so unique? Menno: "Yes, maybe it is! We have a kind of small community now."

Daycare festival takes place on Saturday, August 10, in Tilburg's Spoorzone. Tickets are still available! For that, check the website or follow them on Instagram to stay up to date!

Daycare sfeer
Daycare Festival night
Daycare close up
Daycare 4
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