A mountain runs by - De Nieuwe Vorst

Er rent een berg voorbij 03 © Lonneke van Palen

Plankton | Feikes Huis

This is the monumental story of how our earth is constantly changing, told through a huge backdrop of cardboard rivers, clouds and trees.

In There runs a mountain by, forests crawl across the stage, mountains crumble into beaches and the moon dances a waltz with the sea, while a four-voice choir makes the sound of creaking rocks and chirping birds. Immerse yourself in an immense landscape painting brought to life that makes you think on a different time scale. From the birth of the moon, past the first algae coming ashore, to the extinction of man and even beyond... Plankton is the collective of Sonja van Ojen and Hendrik Kegels. With their shared fascination for the magic of the everyday, they create performances that lie on the borderline between object theater, visual art and mime.

Photo: Lonneke van Palen


De Nieuwe Vorst

Willem II-straat 49

5038 BD Tilburg

E. info@denieuwevorst.nl

I want to go here!